Sharon Blackie

If Women Rose Rooted | A life-changing journey to authenticity and belonging

14,39 €

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A life-changing journey from the wasteland of modern society to a place of nourishment and connection. `This is the core of our task: to respect and revere ourselves, and so bring about a world in which women are respected and revered, recognised once again as holding the life-giving power of the earth itself.'

Autor_in: Sharon Blackie

Sprache: Englisch

Einband: Taschenbuch

Seitenzahl: 416

Maße: 19,8/12,8/3,2 cm

Gewicht: 288 g

Verlag: September Publishing

ISBN: 978-1-912836-01-7


Altersempfehlung: Erwachsene



Dr Sharon Blackie is an award-winning writer, psychologist and mythologist. Her highly acclaimed books, lectures and workshops are focused on the development of the mythic imagination, and on the relevance of myths, fairy tales and folk traditions to the personal, cultural and environmental problems we face today. As well as writing five books of fiction and non-fiction, including the bestselling If Women Rose Rooted and her latest, Hagitude, her writing has appeared in anthologies, collections and in several international media outlets – among them the Guardian, the Irish Times and the Scotsman. Her books have been translated into several languages, and she has been interviewed by the BBC, US public radio and other broadcasters on her areas of expertise. Sharon is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and has taught and lectured at several academic institutions, Jungian organisations, retreat centres and cultural festivals around the world.

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